When I was a small child we lived on a dead end street with woods and fields all around. I can remember going out into the field with my sister and other kids from the neighborhood and pulling those silky pods apart and letting the seeds scatter to the winds.

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That sounds absolutely lovely! I really got lost in the beautiful silkiness, just kind of gently nudging my way through an open seedpod...

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Fascinating discovery regarding those caterpillars, and keep it going with the milkweed! I’ve been trying to grow some in our garden, and was frustrated the first couple of years .. this year however they came up on time in the spring and by midsummer I had six plants that are almost as tall as I am, and I’m 6’3”. But no blooms on them. My hypothesis is that they’re working on developing their root systems this year, and I hope to see blooms next year. In the meantime I’m continuing to add other natives to support our local pollinators.

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Thanks, Doug, aren't they wonderful?! That's so good to know - I've definitely been treating the milkweeds with the same stoic optimism that farming efforts have taught me - if at first you don't succeed, try again next season 🤣 It's good to know the results you've seen, and I definitely think you're on to something with the multi-year root establishment. I'm a big fan of just continuing to add natives whenever & wherever & to whatever extent we can - every little bit helps, and thinking that way is good for us, too!

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What a delight. 🥲✨

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Thank you, Kaitlyn!

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Aug 21Liked by Sydney Michalski

i find the most adorable fuzzy things on your page, Sydney! It takes time and patience, and a bucket full of passion to do and push the work you do and push, and I feel so happy to have access to it!

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Thank you so much, Mohika, that makes me feel so happy! Warm and fuzzy, even :) 💕

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Aug 20Liked by Sydney Michalski

I always wondered why some of my friends were milkweed enthusiasts. Growing up in LA, I became aware of them from spring through summer, because of allergies. I have long outgrown such allergies (another blessing of aging and blessed body-health), but am so happy to learn of these positive powers of milkweed. Thank you.

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Oh gosh, Sara, I'm so glad that's an allergy you grew out of! So funny how things that are such a lovely part of our world can cause us such misery 🤣 - living in the pine forest now I have unfortunately discovered that I'm sensitive to some of the evergreen pollens. 🙄 Happily, it's manageable, and short in duration, because they are truly wonderful to walk among!💕

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Aug 22Liked by Sydney Michalski

yes, & your body will adapt… I lived along the Willamette River in Fall Creek OR, as well as a forest-cabin in Dexter’s intentional community… I became so acclimated to local wildlife. I love reading your nature joy adventures.

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Thank you, Sara, I'm so glad you enjoy the stories! It's wonderful really getting to know a place, and all the little wild neighbors. I'm happy to have someone to share them with!

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These common names vary all around the world and around each individual country. What I know of as milkweed is very different to yours! So pretty! And when I look online, even here in Australia there are different milkweeds in different areas. Obviously any plant with a milky substance in their stems is known as a milkweed.

I love your local story, I love your photographs and I love your hope and enthusiasm for the years ahead. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes.

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I agree, Beth, that's so interesting - I enjoyed browsing through images of Australian milkweeds! :) Thanks so much for the encouragement, it's so lovely to connect around the globe! 🤗💕

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Beautiful images Sydney and I like that idea of sprinkling the milkweed seeds for the Monarch Butterflies. Such a simple and great way to help them out with more habitat.

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Thanks so much, Neil!

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Aug 20Liked by Sydney Michalski

I love the close ups of these caterpillars!

I’ve also not been able to get the milkweed to grow here, but I’ll keep trying

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Thanks so much, Teyani! Same here, we'll just keep trying 🤣

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This is a wonderful nature moment, Sydney. Love the emphasis of learning something new in your own back yard. Hope you are able to cultivate a haven for the monarchs!

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Thanks so much, Heidi! I hope so, too :) 💕

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