Last night I thanked the robins for singing me down the street! I thank the birds, too!

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How absolutely lovely, Cindy! Robins give us lots to be thankful for, and I'm glad it's not just me :) 💕

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Beautiful post and images Sydney. That sounds like such an amazing way to start the morning with the calls and songs of those birds. I like how you describe the Mourning Dove's call as "most lovely, gentle, haunting, floating song." Also, the White-throated Sparrow's call - I like to think of that song as truly heralding in Spring.

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Thanks so much, Neil! There is definitely so much springtime in the White-throated Sparrow's song. It always stops me to listen, it's just so touching. We have a pair of Tan-striped morphs that seem to be nesting nearby - instead of the traditional song, I keep hearing all these sweet little subsong calls that have me on the lookout. I'd be so excited to be able to see a nest!

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So beautiful, Sydney! And something that so many people take for granted. But you're absolutely right, I too am grateful every morning for the beautiful birdsongs, and for their cheerful reassuring presence. What amazes me is the sheer number of different birdsongs I hear every morning, all at the same time, between 5.30 and 6am! I see about 5-6 different species who visit during the day, and enjoy the breadcrumbs I leave out for them, but I hear at least a dozen different bird sounds at dawn! Where the others go and who they are, I'll never know. But they make me smile every day with their beautiful symphony! 🙂

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So true, Anna! We have several birds who are like that, too - singing their little hearts out in the morning, but hidden away in the brush and the forest the rest of the day. I enjoy our feeder visitors so much - but I also like thinking about how many birds are out there living entire bird-y lives entirely out of our sight, isn't that something? :)

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Oooh, you should try Merlin bird Id app, sound ID! You might find out who the members of your chorus are!

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Great call, Karen! Merlin's made such great updates lately - I really like how you can just press record and watch it identify all the different birds chorusing together!

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Thank you Karen! Will check it out 🙂🐦

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Exquisite Sydney. I don't know what is wrong with people. Birds greet me every morning and every morning I am grateful that I live where I can hear them.

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Thank you, Robyn! So glad to connect with another person appreciating the birds and their songs :) Wake up, people!🤣

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Apr 9Liked by Sydney Michalski

Wonderful essay and photos! My morning routine also relies on coffee, gratitude, and birds. I love your photo of the mug with the sunrise. It’s a treat to be introduced to the cast of birds in your life, and it is lovely to read how you’re inspired yo emulate them, like with the stretching of the dove.

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Thanks so much, James! Glad to have you along to share morning routines (and birds) with!

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My day starts off with the sounds of the birds. It is definitely a ritural for me, as important as my morning cup of coffee. Maybe more so.

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So sensible, Perry! 🤣

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I have a set of morning prayers, I guess you’d call them, which include doing some qi gong healing sounds for each element and then thanking my body, that element in nature and the spirits of that element. The one for air ends with, “thank you air, spirits of air, and all the birds everywhere”. so yes, I thank the birds every single morning.

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What a beautiful practice! You have me imagining all the different birds as the many facets of the spirts of air :)💕

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I’m so glad I stumbled across this piece of beautiful writing and photography! I love birds too and every morning and evening their songs are the bookends to my day.

When I moved to a busy city from my quiet town to attend university I confided to someone that I missed birdsong. They laughed like it was the most absurd thing to say. But I am glad to find other who people who love birds as much as I do!

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Yay, I'm so glad to meet you here, Kate! I am truly baffled by people like your city acquaintance. Like, okay, what's interesting and lovely to you, then? I once met someone who found birds boring, but found exercise supplements and equipment incredibly exciting. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'll take the birds 🤣 Anyway, if nature delights you, you'll be in good company here!💕

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Yay, glad I’ll be in good company, grateful I found your Substack!

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Apr 12Liked by Sydney Michalski

Loving this. I stuff the loose fur from my indoor cat into an old suet feeder, and the bird who visit me use it to feather their nests. It makes me smile..

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That's so cool, Teyani! What a sweet little neighborhood you're building there :) 💕

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Apr 12Liked by Sydney Michalski

I adore bird song. Generally such happy souls. Happy sigh. I’m sure that gratitude is a cornerstone to happiness. It totally changes the way we look at the world, our place within it. And gentle stretches are always rewarding. Sending heaps of hugs across the world. 🤗🤗🤗🤗

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So true, Beth, a little gratitude and stretching goes such a long way!🤣💕

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Apr 10Liked by Sydney Michalski

Simply delightful every time! Since I started reading Moments, I have become much more aware of my natural surroundings. It's not hard, and requires nothing but a few extra moments and an open heart.

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Thank you so much, Maria! It absolutely warms my heart to hear this. You're so right, and I wish this open heart and few extra moments for everyone possible! 💕

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Apr 9Liked by Sydney Michalski

Lovely! Thanks for this dose of wonder. Stretching in the morning is clutch. Even my dog knows this.

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🤣So sensible, right?

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I’m thankful for the American Robins who sing around dinnertime! We have doves who nest nearby, but I haven’t seen them stretch. I’ll watch for it.

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How wonderful, dinner and a show! When I walked out to my car this morning, a treeful of Robins was doing their "laughing call" at me, how fitting! 🤣

I hope you get to see them stretch! It's so fun if they're doing it on a tree branch, too, like a little tight-rope act.

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Apr 9Liked by Sydney Michalski

My most core memory is about wood pigeons (not quite doves, but hey, they got fun feathery pants on and that should count for something too). They used to nest in the big pine tree next to my parent's house, which was way too dense for a wood pigeon to comfortably get in to, so there was always a lot of flapping and fuss before finally a relaxed 'coo cooooo coo coo' started. Whenever I hear a pigeon cooing I think of summer holidays as a kid :)

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That's so cool, thanks for sharing that story with me! I like it so much when little wild neighbors are central to fond memories!

I looked up Wood Pigeons, and they are so similar to our Mourning Doves. I like the way they are sometimes goofy like you described, squeezing into a tight spot, and then settling in like nothing happened. Ours will sometimes come swooping in to land on some impossibly slender branch, looking all around like, "Does this branch make my tail look too big?" and then indignantly startle away when it won't hold them. 🤣

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Yes, I'm thankful for the birds every morning too... I always say "Hi bird-birds!" or some such when I see them at the feeder each morn. I forget, like you, that others don't do this. lol. Their loss.

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Right?! There's a pretty special feeling when you talk to a bird and it cocks that one eye at you!🤣

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This is such a lovely way to start and carry us through the day. The post is wonderful in showing us how to relate to the nature and wildlife that greets us. Beautiful photography.

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Thank you very much, Heidi! Yes, nature has so much to offer us in the way of these little nudges - as do some other cute critters that I know!😉 💕

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So true, so true! Jasper Kitten and Chris have started their ultra early morning Spring routine by banging on the window blinds. As I wake up, I then hear the birds singing which is soothing!🐾🐾

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🤣So funny to picture them at the blinds, "Wake up, world, wake up!"

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Yes! Exactly. You might see this in a conversation at Critters! Stay tuned…

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