How fun that your daughter thinks of photos in a similar manner as you! You’ve taught her well to pay attention to the details!

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Thank you, Cindy, I find it so fun, too!

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I spent many years as a food stylist in photo studios. I don’t have photography skills, but I do know great lighting and appreciate awesome photography.

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Thank you so much, Cindy!

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Jun 25Liked by Sydney Michalski

You're right, background always makes such a difference. My problem with that when taking photos though, is that sometimes none of the available angles provide an inspiring background and some subjects just move so quickly that you don't have the luxury of choosing the background

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You're so right, Juliet! Sometimes, you just have to be content with what you've got - the wonder of that subject, regardless of background 💕

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Jun 23Liked by Sydney Michalski

Insightful connections! The background really matters. A star shines most brilliantly in the darkest night. The perspective is also important, beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

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Thank you, Bree! It's so true, so many details coming together to translate beauty :)

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Jun 22Liked by Sydney Michalski

Thank you! Beautiful!

That is why nature is so very important. Our creator made the most beautiful backrounds!

I believe that our answers and our salvation are found in nature. If we just listen and watch. :)

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I so agree, An! Creation is absolutely designed for us to encounter our creator there, as often as we take the time and attention to...💕

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Sydney, I too am all about the background, as you probably have noticed. Great post and beautiful photos!

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Yes, you certainly are! You're always giving us a lovely background to go along with our days :) 💕

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Jun 20Liked by Sydney Michalski

Perhaps the frog needs a spa day…

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🤣 I'm sure he does! 🤣

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So true about backgrounds, and your daughter’s photo is wonderful. Your flower looks so much like Granny’s Bonnet - Aquilegia vulgaris. The flower size varies and there are some shoutier garden varieties.

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Thank you so much, Michela! You're right, these are so similar to Aquilegia! I was very pleasantly surprised when they started blooming 💕

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Lovely post and photos!

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Thank you so much, Alfie!

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Well said about backgrounds, understanding how important they are. I love all the photos. They are done with care.

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Thank you so much, Perry!

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Really nice post Sydney and that's great about your son seeking part-time work - he's building a great work ethic that will no doubt help him throughout his life. Also, love that frog photo - awesome colours and not one I have ever seen before!

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Thanks so much, Neil!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Sydney Michalski

Such an insightful and unique way of juxtaposing photographic backgrounds and life backgrounds! You always come up with something fresh and new, Sydney!

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Thank you so much, Don! Isn't it interesting what life lays in front of us? I get so surprised by these little connections sometimes, honestly did not see this one coming until it clicked into place 🤣

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Nice! Yes, I find some of the best parts of my writing come to me almost automatically after I start writing. I often sense, when I get an idea for an essay, which is usually very simple, like remembering something that happened to me once, that it is going to lead to something interesting, but I don’t know what!

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Always a journey :)

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Jun 18Liked by Sydney Michalski

Well done. So true! A terrific post.

Your little pink flowers remind me of the ‘native’ columbines / grannies bonnets / aquilegias that pop up all over the place in my yard. The modern hybrid ones are stunningly vivid with different colour ranges but they all seem to eventually revert to the ‘common’ pink. Lovely little things.

And to then link the backgrounds to a personality trait - so clever! You are so right - that trait of busyness seems inherent in some people, but it’s not always a case of cause and effect, sometimes it just ‘is’. Lovely. Thanks so much for another terrific post. Sending heaps of hugs and best wishes. 🤗🤗😘

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Thank you so much, Beth! You're right, they are so very similar to columbines, which is a real treat because columbines are also one of my favorites.

Life throws me the most interesting connections sometimes, I'm so glad to have had a chance to share it with you!💕

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