Hold onto hope, in dark moments, waiting for the return of the light...
It’s sad when lies and ignorance and cruelty win.
Sad to watch the greedy scrambling, as fast as they can, to vacuum every crumb out of our pockets into their investment funds, watching their billions multiply overnight while desperately calculating how much more they can cut out of our futures.
Sad to watch the violent celebrating, mobilizing troops to hunt the immigrants they relentlessly demonize. So much contempt, such an insatiable desire for the power to hold a human life in their hands, and crush it. It’s a thirst that is never quenched, but only broadens its targets.
What will a man do who has been a lifelong rapist and criminal, when he steps into near-absolute power with absolute immunity? When he has assembled a rabid team of like-minded degenerates? The broad strokes are written on the wall, but the painful details will be etched into our lives day by day. Violent rulers can be unpredictable in their whims, but two things are certain: it will be savage, and we are about to find out.
Things that make me sad naturally make me wonder what I can do. And with a sorrow this big, it’s often the little things we can really hold onto.
Our little family will keep carving a little life of integrity out of our little corner of the world. Knitting our hearts together around what is right and what is lovely, doing our best to navigate a path by which our children can follow their hopes and dreams, keeping an eye out for those scattered few who see things the same way.
Holding onto a little hope, in dark moments, waiting for the return of the light.
Thanks for connecting here at Nature Moments, where we are making the world a better place, one nature connection at a time :) Be curious. Be amazed. And then do it again!
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Beautiful post on this day of great sadness, Sydney. You're finding a path that you know to be right and I am glad that you are sharing it. I honestly believe that we are 'the many' who are waking to what needs to be done to change direction. We were doing it with Kamala just before we lost the wind in our sails. I believe that our time will come again. Let us be prepared to know what we want for our country and our people to be the best we can be.
Dear Sydney. Love and peace to you and your family. I hold the view that the great lights of our history like Jesus, Buddha, Guanyin and the many not known whose commitment to loving the sacred within each person and being of Nature, actually hold our human family up and support our continued existence. We come from Love, it is actually how and why we exist. If that is true, and I think it is, our only way forward is to love. How? I think we will each be called by Life to find small and/or big ways to show it. It doesn't take sadness away but it perhaps shows us what direction to look. Blessings and love to your family Sydney.