As gorgeous and soothing as ever, Sydney. Thank you for your steadfast devotion to nature's beautiful moments, which are available everywhere at every moment, if one is just willing to slow down and look. I really appreciate your sensitivity and your skill in communicating it!

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Thank you, Don, so glad you enjoyed!

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The seals are honest and sincere, as all animals except one all are. As all species, except one all are.

The human animal is apt at deception, but the election signs and symbols fool no one sensitive to Nature. It is just humans who have failed to live in harmony with Nature who care what the human signs say.

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Thank you, Perry, words of comfort :)

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May 22Liked by Sydney Michalski

Such soulful words and imagery! I am obsessed. You're right about attempting to let go, loosen our grip in moments we feel we must hold on tight the most. My mom once said she's treating us kids like sand. The more she clenches her fists trying to hold on to the sand, the more it slips away. But if she scoops it in her palm and lets it sit on her hand, it stays. Your example reminded me of that!

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Thank you, Mohika! I like the sand imagery so much, so beautiful and perfect, I know I'll be thinking of it next time we go to the shore 💕

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May 21Liked by Sydney Michalski

Simply stunning, as always. Your photos and words are so beautiful, they seem to cast a spell each time I read.✨

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Thank you so much, Maria!💕

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May 21Liked by Sydney Michalski

So beautiful. I really enjoyed following along while listening to your narration. Your photos put me in a trance. 💚

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Thank you, Julie, that it so wonderful to hear! 💕

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May 22Liked by Sydney Michalski

I also love to observe nature during this golden hour. There is also a quality of light I cannot explain when a thunderstorm approaches and the light is more orange, warmer but not as bright. I wish I knew the name for this light. I bet the Japanese have noticed and named this light! Thank you for your beautiful photos and thoughtful words.

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So fascinating, Dawn, I wasn't able to find a word for this particular light, either, but it certainly deserves one! I'm so glad to have shared this with you, thanks for taking the time to comment 💕

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May 22Liked by Sydney Michalski

Serenity seeping from every word of this piece. A blessing.

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Thanks so much, Amie! We could use so much more serenity in this world, so I am happy to have added a little :) 💕

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Sydney, I always love your photography but the ‘not yet grapes’ are divine. Such beauty 💚

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Thank you, Emily! Yep, I'm captivated by the grape vine, I have no idea why it needs to be so perfectly lovely all the time 🤣

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the colours and shape and light is just so wonderful!!

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May 21Liked by Sydney Michalski

Another glorious post. Sending so many comforting hugs from afar. Take care dear Sydney. 🤗🤗💕

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Thanks, Beth! Hugs are the best medicine :) 💕

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Beautiful post, Sydney, your observations and voicing and photography so reflective of this sensitivity to the Golden Hours of Light. Chris and the rest of the Critters are also feeling that incredible spirit and kinship with you as their Tuesday Post also is about…seals! Spoiler alert!

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Thank you, Heidi! How wonderful, the more writing about the seals, the better! Looking forward to it :) 🦭💕

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A true synchronicity among kindred spirits!

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