Lovely Sydney! I love chasing butterflies! This line resonated with me, "It is enormously satisfying to be entirely ignored by a wild neighbor." It is such a wonderful feeling to be out in nature and have wildlife around you and they just carry on like you are not there!

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Than you, Pamela - you know, I knew that about you πŸ€£πŸ¦‹πŸ’• I so agree, I feel this often. I watched my kids sit still in the forest once while a squirrel ran right over their outstretched legs. Can you imagine?

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What a fun experience for the kids! I think when wildlife ignores us, it knows we are safe to be around.

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I think so, too! Also, that it's a little gift to us for being there looking for that moment πŸ’•

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Wonderful and lovely. You have the skill and the patience, and perhaps the most important point, you have gained the trust of butterflies. The word is out. You are the rare human that can be trusted. A high honour, indeed.

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Thank you so much, Perry! The trust of any wild creature is a precious thing, any moment of it so impactful. The butterflies are back to our usual routine today, flittering away from my slow advances, while my daughter walks right up to them, which I enjoy just as much 🀣

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Jun 11Liked by Sydney Michalski

Such an accurate description of what it can be like to photograph a butterfly! But also gorgeous imagesβ€”the exact sort of pictures one hopes for. Optimism is indeed paramount. Thank you for writing and sharing.

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Thanks, James, I know you can relate! Definitely, when that day arrives that the butterfly cooperates, it must be shared 🀣

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Jun 18Liked by Sydney Michalski

The colors on the edge of her wings are so gorgeous 🌈

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Thanks, Emma, they sure are!

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Jun 15Liked by Sydney Michalski

Beautiful! I have an iPhone so I just click and hope. Grin. Occasionally one works out. These are all so lovely. Thanks so much.

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Thanks, Beth! No matter the end result, the hopeful clicks are just so much fun 🀣

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Jun 15Liked by Sydney Michalski

Definitely. πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

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Oh man! I SO get this! Well written and beautiful photos.

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🀣 Thanks so much, Cheryl, always nice to connect with a fellow butterfly-chaser 🀣

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Enjoyed reading your camera log. Either you have camera lifted at all times, or you skip the fine tuning so that you get to get that moment on film, or digital form. Hahahahaha I can see a pattern.

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Thank you, so true, there is a definite pattern! Thankfully, a little luck sometimes jumps in alongside 🀣

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Absolutely! Reading the log alone one would think you've got nothing to show for it. But the butterfly photography are gorgeous. You've captured many special moments.

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🀣That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought about that - because 99% of my butterfly photos are β€œnothing to show for it!” But the 1% when it all comes together is really fun, and thank you :)

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We don’t know that! We only see what you display so looks to me quite the opposite! But there you go. A little stats trivia! :)

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Jun 13Liked by Sydney Michalski

Few things are more mindful than chasing something in nature to capture it in a photo. It’s done with the best intentions...and sometimes, it’s successful. But mostly, it feels like a game between two natural entities attempting to outwit the other...and poof...there goes an hour or two – it is time well spent!

Beautiful butterfly photosβ€”thanks for sharing them! I’m certain you can remember capturing each one and the game you enjoyed!

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Thank you, Jack! I agree, this practice of photography can be so very mindful. I've learned and discovered many delightful things in my curious camera wanderings :) And it's true, I nearly always have an entire story-memory about the subjects of my photos, which only makes them more impactful in my life...As you say, time well spent!

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Jun 12Liked by Sydney Michalski

Love love this! Especially the pictures where you capture the sunlight glimmering on the butterfly fuzz.

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Thanks so much, Teyani! I do especially enjoy butterfly fuzz, so cute!

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Absolutely brilliant!! Spectacular photography and a brilliantly optimistic and amusing essay to accompany them. Love it Sydney. I have managed to odd decent photo of a butterfly, after patiently following them around, sometimes with dogs in tow (I know!! That’s an accomplishment in itself!!) but never so stunning as these. Love it (I know I said that already)!

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Thank you so much, Emily! Photos or no photos, it warms my heart to think of you chasing beautiful butterflies, dogs and all. What a happy tumble of fun!🀣

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You must be one patient goddess of a woman, Sydney to be able to capture these little fluttering beauties in their world!!! Insanely gorgeous images and message! Thank you πŸ’—πŸ’—

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Thank you so much, Mohika! I'm not necessarily a patient person in general, but I do have some butterfly patience - because they're just so fun the whole time!

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Jun 12Liked by Sydney Michalski

This made me smile. Your writing and your photos. Thank you!

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Thank you, Susanne, it warms my heart to know we shared a smile over these sweet butterflies :)

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Wow! I am amazed.

I’ve had some luck capturing the painted ladies on my coneflowers, but most others are too busy! I’m always on the lookout for the dainty eastern-tailed blue butterfly. I’ve seen them often enough, but they are too quick! So far.

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Thanks so much, Rebecca! Coneflowers are so great for butterflies. Hang in there and keep chasing - your day will come!πŸ¦‹πŸ€£

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Jun 12Liked by Sydney Michalski

Absolutely stunning pictures! Thank you for sharing, Sydney πŸ’•

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Thank you, Tara, so glad you enjoyed!

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Lovely. Butterflies are Beautiful.

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Thank you, Tinabeth, they sure are!πŸ’•

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Just beautiful images Sydney! I love your closing message re: chasing butterflies and optimism -definitely agree!

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Thank you so much, Neil! I know you've got that butterfly optimism, too :)

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